Maximum money
Given a street of N houses (a row of houses), each house having K amount of money kept inside; now there is a thief who is going to steal this money but he has a constraint/rule that he cannot steal/rob two adjacent houses. Find the maximum money he can rob.
Example 1:
Input: N = 5 , K = 10 Output: 30 Explanation: The Robber can rob from the first, third and fifth houses which will result in 30.
Example 2:
Input: N = 2 , K = 12 Output: 12 Explanation: The Robber can only rob from the first or second which will result in 12.
Your Task:
You don't need to read input or print anything. Your task is to complete the function maximizeMoney() which takes 2 Integers N and K as input and returns the answer.
Expected Time Complexity: O(1)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(1)
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